Issue #15Apr 2012 Leaders Fear and ambitionby Bianco Pialuisa Transatlantic relations in the age of austerityby Terzi di Sant’Agata GiulioWidescreen Peering into Iranby Mona MarcoCharted territories The return of the frontierby Jacobs FrankTalking heads The indomitablesby Finelli CarmineWorld money Easy moneyby Savona PaoloSmart thinking Turn on, log in, and learnby Broggi DaniloMy cup of teaQue sera, seraby Merola AlessandroRethinking intelligence The future of intelligenceby Masci Claudio Swarming intelligenceby Ryan Jack The murky world of bytes and tonguesby Luczkiw StashLand rush African land grabsby Bono Anna Trimming land for better hedgesby Stefanini MaurizioBerlaymont Europe’s AWOL foreign policyby Cerretelli AdrianaPotomac watch Another BRIC in the wallby Molinari MaurizioEurope The oops of physicsby Barone Luciano Maria Wary welcome for the huddled massesby Bertozzi Stefano Why Germany worksby Villani-Lubelli Ubaldo The other side of the German questionby Caldwell ChristopherChina China’s inter-provincial migrationby Maretto Marco Urban oasesby Cappelletti Alessandra Kashgar moves onby Cappelletti AlessandraThe middle-income trapby Maretto Marco How the yuan stacks upby Lombardi Domenico Spring cleaning for the CCPby Maretto Marco The price of harmonyby Cingolani StefanoWarming bloopers Fukushima’s collateral damageby Clini CarloChosen wordsIsrael: holy land, profane politicsby Stefanini MaurizioNumbers The Tower of Babelby Bini Federico