Issue #22Dec 2012 Widescreen Holy robotics!by Mona MarcoCharted territories Quito, capital of a phantom empireby Jacobs FrankTalking heads Banking on the bankersby Finelli CarmineWorld money Adrift on the currenciesby Savona PaoloSmart thinking Obscured by the cloudby Broggi DaniloThe reluctant reformer Socialism’s last hopeby Sapelli Giulio Running out of grandeurby Vaccari LanfrancoRealigning a divided America The president hits the ground runningby Lombardi Domenico No more free rideby Dassù Marta The next American centuryby Cingolani Stefano Dreaming America’s remote-controlled space whalesby Luczkiw Stash Closer to compromiseby Caldwell Christopher Representing us and themby Loquenzi GiancarloGlobal strategy Safe cities, better livesby Fiori Lorenzo Short on cash and imaginationby Galietti Francesco Fiddling on the roof (while decluttering)by De Bernardin Sandro Piecing together intricate interestsby Jean Carlo Making it safe to surfby Massolo Gianpiero Living securely in a global villageby Frattini FrancoFinancial markets Capitalizing on catastropheby Stefanini MaurizioEnergyShale gas depositsby Maretto Marco The new gas revolutionby Editor's column Austerity, protests, and leadershipby Bianco PialuisaBerlaymont How an election cycle can paralyze Europeby Cerretelli AdrianaPotomac watch Who knew what?by Molinari MaurizioEurope Poland’s feeling bullishby Tacconi MatteoWarming bloopers Bracing for the next superstormby Clini CarloChosen wordsMilitariaby Stefanini MaurizioNumbers Cutting the red tapeby Bini Federico