Issue #65Nov 2016 Leaders Breaking up is hard to doby Ludolf Guglielmo The politics of darknessby Bianco PialuisaWidescreen Water, too much, too littleby Mona MarcoCharted territories Solitude, space junk and sea monsters at Point Nemoby Jacobs FrankTalking heads The perils of direct democracyby Franciosi FabrizioWorld money Easy money and hyping a return to normalcyby Savona PaoloSmart thinking Italy: the urgent need to reverse courseby Broggi DaniloBerlaymont Salute to the Army of United Europeby Cerretelli AdrianaAfrica Political intrigues in Africaby Bono AnnaWorld economy Does high-tech mean high productivity?by Zatta DaniloPotomac watch Forget Fukuyamaby Cianfanelli RenzoThe Orientalist What's next in the hornet's nestby Tramballi UgoFeatured briefing Turkey is hungry for energyby Verga Enrico Politics and esotericism in Turkeyby Jean Carlo The road to reconciliationby Castellaneta Gianni Putin vs. the worldby Luczkiw StashChina Nothing succeeds like successby Joveneau Marie Hoping the apples fall by the treeby Franciosi FabrizioMegaphone An Oscar award for bookkeepingby Comin GianlucaWarming bloopers Brexit's climate castawaysby Clini CarloChosen words In Putin's headby Stefanini MaurizioNumbers Help them to help themselvesby Bini FedericoCover story Science, leadership and political evolutionby Corbellini Gilberto Behind the scenes at the Chancelleryby Cingolani Stefano A leadership besiegedby Joveneau Marie Merkel mulls another runby Vaccari Lanfranco