Issue #82May 2018 Leaders West Side Storyby Bianco PialuisaWidescreen A stroll through Pyongyangby Mona MarcoCharted territories Turning Qatar into an islandby Jacobs FrankTalking heads The wobbly tableby Franciosi FabrizioWorld money Can the Union wise up?by Savona PaoloSmart thinking Eat, pray, graduate and fileby Broggi DaniloMy cup of tea Ready, set, goby Castellaneta GianniCuba Cuba libre?by Stefanini MaurizioWhere to from hereby Joveneau MarieTechnology The man who put a sedan in spaceby Verga EnricoAfrica Dreaming of African free tradeby Bono AnnaPotomac watch Exceptionally negativeby Cianfanelli RenzoThe Orientalist A revolving door policyby Tramballi UgoFeatured briefing Yuan day, over the rainbowby Franciosi FabrizioPlaying catch-upby Joveneau MarieLong on rhetoric, short on impactby Tucci Stefania Follow the moneyby Sgroi MaurizioLatin America A tale of disquieting ghostsby Tassoni Estense NicolòMegaphone Managing activismby Comin GianlucaWarming bloopers The invisible climatic boundaryby Clini CarloChosen words Chemical warfareby Stefanini MaurizioNumbers The business of the dearly departedby Bini FedericoCover story A powerful gut feelingby Cingolani Stefano The rise and limits of Populismby Rosso Renzo