Issue #94Jun 2019 Leaders For those that have gone and those yet to comeby Bianco PialuisaWidescreen The salt of the earthby Mona MarcoCharted territories More space fo everyoneby Jacobs FrankTalking heads The Iron Curtain over Hi-Techby Editorial team LongitudeSmart thinking Time for happinessby Broggi DaniloMy cup of tea Venezuela’s endless zero hourby Castellaneta GianniFollow the molecule The ailing antibiotics marketby Caglioti LucianoGlobal food production A fishy businessby Mona MarcoAfrica Beyond state captureby Bono AnnaPotomac watch Iraniaby Cianfanelli RenzoEurope Mars and Venus on the global chessboardby Nardini Alia K. Lost in a game of mirrorsby Pilati Antonio Italy's political time bombby Giovanni Orsina and Lorenzo CastellaniFeatured briefing Modi's touchby Angeloni LorenzoIndia's melting pot - mapby Joveneau Marie Where mayhem coheresby Tucci StefaniaMegaphone To be or not to beby Comin GianlucaWarming bloopers Lionfish invasionby Clini CarloChosen words Times of crisisby Stefanini MaurizioNumbers Top of the heapby Bini FedericoCover story Getting out of the backroomby Cingolani Stefano Narcissism in the Latin American backyardby Mujina Iskander Latin America zigs when the US zagsby Stefanini Maurizio