Issue #126May 2022 Leaders The yo-yoing European frameworkby Bianco PialuisaWidescreen China shuts Shanghai downby Mona MarcoTalking heads Frenemiesby Editorial team LongitudeSmart thinking Supreme common senseby Broggi DaniloMy cup of tea The flipside of a personal victoryby Castellaneta GianniThe West War politicsby Orsina GiovanniOccam's razor Health and genetic ancestryby Serlupi Crescenzi OttavianoSpace race Augustine's timeless lawsby Tantardini MarcoTech Talk Knowledge ecosystemsby Paliani AndreaPassageways Disruptive timesby Incalza ErcoleInternational trade Towards war economyby Salzano PasqualeFrance The winnerby Necci Alessandra A sigh of relief. But not so deepby Marchi MichelePotomac watch The permanent warby Cianfanelli RenzoFeatured briefing A paradigm shiftby Pani Luca Pricing therapeutical prodigiesby Joveneau Marie Feeling optimistic about scienceby Ansalone Gianluca A medical miracle workerby Corbellini Gilberto 3D Bio-printing of organsby Verga EnricoWarming bloopers Transgenic mosquitoes take flightby Clini CarloChosen words Inflationby Stefanini MaurizioNumbers Refugeesby Bini FedericoCover story Betting on a messby Cingolani Stefano Germany's U-turnby Valensise Michele A matter of fangsby Galietti Francesco Where does Germany stand?by Garcovich Ilaria