Issue #02Mar 2011 Leaders Taking a different tackby Bianco PialuisaWidescreen Chernobyl 25 years onby Mona MarcoTalking heads Separations: consensual and forcedby Marchisio EmanueleWorld money The rising price of green inkby Savona PaoloSmart thinking Having your cake and eating it tooby Broggi DaniloMy cup of teaGlobal glossaryby Merola AlessandroThe food bubble Paying through the nose for a mouthfulby Goria FabrizioThe changing face of the Middle East Economic prospects after the turmoilby Zallio Franco NATO’s Middle East alliances put to the testby Stornelli Emiliano Watching and waitingby Camporini VincenzoA delicate balanceby Merola Alessandro A tale of two armiesby Santoro Roberto The seeds of revoltby Zannini Francesco A new pact for stabilityby Frattini Franco Roads less traveledby Parsi Vittorio EmanueleBrazil Dilma’s growing painsby Lahoz AndréUSA $till top of the chartsby Loquenzi Giancarlo More Band-Aid than tourniquetby Lecce GiampaoloBerlaymont What to do when multiculturalism failsby Cerretelli AdrianaAfricaA roadmap to development, more than just making aid workby Belloni Elisabetta The trouble with Africaby Calderisi RobertPotomac watch Leveraging Latin Americaby Molinari MaurizioEurope Premier ministre, avant toutby Valensise Marina Ruler of the roostby Galietti FrancescoChina Good news for lopsided accountsby Quintieri BeniaminoFrom Globish to Globeseby Ferrara Pasquale China eyes Asia and well beyondby Guerrieri PaoloWarming bloopers Never mind the biofuels Here’s Al Goreby Stagnaro CarloChosen wordsCulture and warfare Books and bulletsby Biagiotti ValeriaNumbersFever and chillsby Bini Federico