Issue #07Aug 2011 Leaders What weapons for the Westby Bianco PialuisaWidescreen La era del cóndorby Mona MarcoTalking heads No world for male candidatesby Biagiotti ValeriaSmart thinking The fine art of Public-Private Partnershipsby Broggi DaniloDeep water Charity’s reservoirsby Luczkiw Stash Coins shining through the ripplesby Cingolani Stefano The right way to water rightsby Stagnaro Carlo Fighting for a drinkby Vaccari LanfrancoThe sun sets on the West’s defenseThe global map of conflictsby Brambilla Alberto Charting a new way with an old modelby Camporini Vincenzo Farewell to armsby Nativi Andrea As the West lets down its guardby Ottolenghi EmanuelePakistan Just as everyone’s running for coverby Raineri Daniele Failed state, rogue state, friend and foeby Greco RichardIraq Let the oil flowby Zallio Franco The side effects of leaving Iraqby Marizza GiovanniLibya Recognizing Libyaby Bellodi LeonardoCuba America’s friendly neighborhood pariahby Caldwell Christopher Cuba’s new Rum Socialismby Stefanini MaurizioRussia Good cop, bad copby Luczkiw StashBerlaymont Europe’s new Warsaw Pactby Cerretelli AdrianaPotomac watch Wedding bells on the campaign trailby Molinari MaurizioEurope Because the can we kick will explodeby Tria Giovanni The Greek tragedyby Ferrari AntonioWarming bloopers Living on thin iceby Clini CarloChosen wordsThe nuclear debateby Stefanini MaurizioNumbers Planetary traffic jamby Bini Federico