Issue #104May 2020 Leaders Vertigoby Bianco PialuisaWidescreen The world's empty streetsby Mona MarcoTalking heads The splitting imageby Editorial team LongitudeSmart thinking The case of South Koreaby Broggi DaniloMy cup of tea Darkest hours in a fantastic yearby Castellaneta GianniPassageways The sea, waterways and civilizationby Incalza ErcoleFollow the molecule Does Covid like smog?by Caglioti LucianoPotomac watch The limits of energy self-sufficiencyby Cianfanelli RenzoFeatured briefing An epoch-making shockby Bellodi Leonardo Just like a spaghetti westernby Perfetto RaffaeleGlobal issues The staples paradoxby Stefanini MaurizioMegaphone The management of crisisby Comin GianlucaWarming bloopers Mirrored in wildlifeby Clini CarloChosen words Crisisby Stefanini MaurizioNumbers The fable of the beesby Bini FedericoCover story The geopolitical driftby Cingolani Stefano Towards a tragic disorderby Tremonti Giulio The great lockdownby Rossi Salvatore Winners and losersby Rosso Renzo If the lips are gone the teeth will grow coldby Verga Enrico The real issue with China’s global aidby Clini Corrado Thinking about our post-pandemic selvesby Tucci Stefania