Issue #105Jun 2020 Leaders A big leap backwardsby Bianco PialuisaWidescreen Making Covid visibleby Mona MarcoSmart thinking Lifting the work-from-home stigmaby Broggi DaniloMy cup of tea Getting out of the black holeby Castellaneta GianniPassageways The sorriest caseby Incalza ErcoleFollow the molecule A complicated bondby Caglioti LucianoScience Bad scienceby Corbellini Gilberto Looking at the figuresby Polillo GianfrancoGermany Germany at a crossroadsby Rosso RenzoLibya Avoiding a misguided status quoby Frattini FrancoPotomac watch Mind the good old daysby Cianfanelli RenzoFeatured briefing Building a sound futureby Salini Pietro The only game in townby Quagliariello Gaetano Matching the world's downturnby Stefanini MaurizioMegaphone No Coronavirus no partyby Comin GianlucaWarming bloopers The paradox of clean energyby Clini CarloChosen words Debtby Stefanini MaurizioNumbers Vaccinesby Bini FedericoCover story A Hamletic dilemma made in Chinaby Cingolani Stefano State of playby Park Han S. An insidious killerby Tria Giovanni Will China resist the storm?by Tucci Stefania China's double veritiesby Galietti Francesco Escaping Thucydides's trapby Clini Corrado