Issue #106Jul 2020 Leaders The secular blasphemyby Bianco PialuisaWidescreen When statues get too loudby Mona MarcoTalking heads The dragon and the elephantby Editorial team LongitudeSmart thinking Firms in Spaceby Broggi DaniloMy cup of tea Everything but tediumby Castellaneta GianniPassageways How to spend itby Incalza ErcoleFollow the molecule Healthy fake beefby Caglioti LucianoJapan Japan’s soul searchingby Vattani MarioAfrica The virus profiteersby Bono AnnaWorld economy Unveiling the mystery of deflationby Tucci Stefania The specter haunting Europeby Federico Carli and Hugo Savoini Building up business agilityby Biraghi Andrea Improving how the world feeds itselfby Argenziano Gian MaurizioPotomac watch Jeopardizing Western democracyby Cianfanelli RenzoFeatured briefing The great transformerby Cingolani Stefano Protecting our worldby Poggiali Barbara The times we live inby Rossi Salvatore Best look a gift horse in the mouthby Verga EnricoMegaphone Zooming in on workby Comin GianlucaWarming bloopers Planetary healthby Clini CarloChosen words Searching for a way outby Stefanini MaurizioNumbers Treesby Bini FedericoCover story Something’s gotta give: an American dialecticby Luczkiw Stash