Issue #109Nov 2020 Leaders Will America save the world once again?by Bianco PialuisaWidescreen The first time life left the planetby Mona MarcoTalking heads Too complex to break upby Editorial team LongitudeSmart thinking H2 economyby Broggi DaniloMy cup of tea Believing in the bestby Castellaneta GianniTech Talk A business model in progressby Paliani AndreaPassageways The death of the cityby Incalza ErcoleFollow the molecule Talented ladies of scienceby Caglioti LucianoPotomac watch The fog of uncertaintyby Cianfanelli RenzoFeatured briefing The century's shocks multiplierby Cingolani Stefano The unprecedented consumer sentimentby Tria Giovanni Assessing the business governanceby Franco Farina and Stefania Tucci Bringing the world’s population into the futureby Global issues Beyond the tech cold warby Clini Corrado Measuring changeby Joveneau MarieMegaphone Supporting today's remote workforceby Comin GianlucaWarming bloopers The vicious (Arctic) circleby Clini CarloChosen words Antitrustby Stefanini MaurizioNumbers Nobel causeby Bini FedericoCover story The global business of Spaceby Mona Marco Fly me to the Moon, Mars and beyondby Tantardini Marco Money in Spaceby Joveneau Marie Fantasy becomes realityby Stefanini Maurizio Looking for Space securityby Biraghi Andrea Space economy and Spaceballsby Verga Enrico The gravitational monster curving Spacetimeby Barone Luciano Maria