Issue #11Dec 2011 Widescreen Starving but armed to the teethby Mona MarcoTalking heads The BRICS’s rising self-awarenessby Danese GaiaWorld money A more imperfect unionby Savona PaoloSmart thinking Getting government onlineby Broggi DaniloMaastricht The New German Questionby Pelanda Carlo A road map for the euroby Scognamiglio Giuseppe Watching Europe sinkby Caldwell Christopher Turning theory into actionby Ferrara Pasquale The importance of being Europeanby Loquenzi Holzer Andrea Beyond Maastrichtby Terracciano Pasquale Maastricht in tattersby Cingolani StefanoThe new Arab order Islam women money Lynchpin of stabilityby Greco Richard Getting the economy back on trackby Zallio Franco What Arab women wantby Biagiotti Valeria Stabilizing North Africaby Jean Carlo The genie is out of the lampby De Bernardin Sandro Bringing the mountain to Muhammadby Vaccari LanfrancoThailand Thailand’s power playsby Stefanini MaurizioOpen ForumArmenia playing to winby Karapetian RoubenUSA Running on flat taxby Mucci Alberto The Cain and the gloryby Loquenzi GiancarloFrance François Hollande: an ordinary manby Gout Emmanuel Second actby Valensise MarinaBerlaymont Triple A letters no protection from the french feverby Cerretelli AdrianaPotomac watch Making waves with Chinaby Molinari MaurizioWarming bloopers Saving money saves livesby Stagnaro CarloChosen wordsGathering intelligence: yesterday and todayby Stefanini MaurizioNumbers Not so lonely planetby Bini Federico