Issue #113Mar 2021 Leaders Italy's best betby Bianco Pialuisa Act fast, follow through, follow upby Draghi MarioWidescreen The Internet is under the seaby Mona MarcoTalking heads Polls overshadowed by the pandemicby Editorial team LongitudeSmart thinking We, the people makers of databy Broggi DaniloMy cup of tea Beyond domestic issuesby Castellaneta GianniWorld order The world we live inby Vattani Umberto The West, under repairby Rosso Renzo Eurasian ambitionby Joveneau Marie Reversing the Eurasian courseby Bocco GiovanniSpace race A Martian waltz in 3/4by Tantardini MarcoTech Talk The silver economyby Paliani AndreaPassageways The death of the cityby Incalza ErcoleFollow the molecule How to beat pandemicsby Caglioti LucianoInternational trade The unending charmby Salzano PasqualeEnergy The power equationby Joveneau MarieFeatured briefing Smart building, smart living, smart workingby Stefanini Maurizio The great resetby Verga Enrico Sharing urban lifeby Tucci StefaniaGlobal issues Powering the globeby Clini CorradoMegaphone A silent manby Comin GianlucaWarming bloopers Texas’ standalone grid problemby Clini CarloChosen words Extremist surgeby Stefanini MaurizioNumbers Democracyby Bini FedericoCover story A paradigm shuffleby Cingolani Stefano