Issue #12Jan 2012 Leaders God save us from ideologuesby Bianco Pialuisa Redefining national interests in a global realityby Massolo Giampiero A common Euro-Mediterranean homeby Terzi di Sant’Agata GiulioWidescreen Heavenly clutterby Mona MarcoTalking heads The Four Horsemen of 2012by Finelli CarmineWorld money The euro: still on the brinkby Savona PaoloSmart thinking Integrity and innovation: Europe’s new challengeby Broggi DaniloTech bubble 2.0 Yesterday’s futureby Galietti Francesco Tech it to the maxby Vaccari LanfrancoThe geopolitics of religion Let the parties startby Ozzano Luca Common ground between faithsby Petito Fabio Relating with the infidelsby Zannini Francesco Christians caught in the crossfireby Morabito Giuseppe Too heavy for the springsby Haynes Jeffrey A decade of praying dangerouslyby Luczkiw Stash We are familyby Ferrara Pasquale Serving God and neighborby Greco RichardIf God works through demographyby Maretto Marco Religion in a post-secular worldby Sadun Bordoni Gianluca Europe’s problematic freedom of religionby Caldwell Christopher Theopoliticsby Parsi Vittorio EmanueleIndia New Delhi’s middle class high-riseby Valensise MarinaNuclear energy Where to put the nuclear wasteby Porcellana FedericaUSA The Hillary ticketby Loquenzi GiancarloBerlaymont Should I stay, or should I go?by Cerretelli AdrianaPotomac watch Asymmetrical threatsby Molinari MaurizioEurope The opera ain’t over till the fat lady singsby Cingolani StefanoWarming bloopers The Durban Package: a step toward a global climate treatyby Clini CorradoChosen wordsThanks for the memoriesby Stefanini MaurizioNumbers Gazillions and gazillions of bytesby Bini Federico