Issue #130Oct 2022 Leaders What is leadership?by Bianco PialuisaWidescreen Keeper of the realmsby Mona MarcoTalking heads Italy's arduos chanceby Editorial team LongitudeSmart thinking Plato, loneliness and mental diseaseby Broggi DaniloMy cup of tea The Prime Minister of a country adriftby Castellaneta Gianni21st century challenges Escaping the perfect stormby Salzano Pasquale For whom the bell tollsby Francesca Delfino Federico Carli Throwing away the fiscal anchorby Stefanini MaurizioOccam's razor Preventing future waves of Covid-19by Serlupi Crescenzi OttavianoSpace race Fill'er up thanks!by Tantardini MarcoTech Talk The Decalogue for C-suiteby Paliani AndreaAfrica How long will Nigeria's oil last?by Bono AnnaFeatured briefing The awesome future of railby Tundo Roberto A success storyby Incalza ErcoleWarming bloopers Whales through Hell's Gateby Clini CarloChosen words Statesmanshipby Stefanini MaurizioNumbers Space economyby Bini FedericoCover story If only leadership could be inheritedby Cingolani Stefano Drawn back from its soft-powerby Quito Terracciano Pasquale The big betby Pezzulli Bepi On leaders, leadership and powerby Ansalone Gianluca A shrinking middle-class quest for leadersby Verga Enrico