Issue #141Oct 2023 Leaders The global no man's landby Bianco PialuisaWidescreen The desert that turned to seaby Mona MarcoTalking heads India on stageby Editorial team LongitudeSmart thinking Moneyballby Broggi DaniloRail transport The long way to competeby Incalza Ercole Broadening the horizonby Palasciano Villamagna CarloArtificial Intelligence Britons have a big ARMby Verga EnricoOccam's razor The dark side of groundbreaking drugsby Serlupi Crescenzi OttavianoTech Talk Intangible capitalismby Paliani AndreaMarkets The longevity economyby Corcione CarloWorld economy Where geopolitics meets businessby Salzano PasqualeFeatured briefing The Waste Landby Bono Anna Who will pick up the pieces?by Clini Corrado Spelling out povertyby Joveneau Marie The migration time bombby Stefanini MaurizioWarming bloopers Panama Canal's historic droughtby Clini CarloChosen words The problem of woke capitalismby Stefanini MaurizioNumbers Tunisiaby Bini FedericoCover story Beware of a weakened Germanyby Cingolani Stefano German stumbleby Joveneau Marie The great German dilemmaby Garcovich Ilaria The AfD horsemenby Galietti Francesco