Issue #145Feb 2024 Leaders The seachangeby Bianco PialuisaA significant player in an era of changeby Ferraris LuigiWidescreen The grand fiesta of the Parachicosby Mona MarcoTalking heads A historic voteby Editorial team LongitudeSmart thinking Past, present, futureby Broggi DaniloOccam's razor The new obesity drugsby Serlupi Crescenzi OttavianoTech Talk Preventing an AI apocalypseby Paliani AndreaPassageways Struggle for the seasby Incalza ErcoleFrance Macron's last chanceby Marchi MicheleWorld economy Mitigating the economic impact of green transitionby Salzano PasqualePotomac watch The wrong man in the wrong placeby Cianfanelli RenzoFeatured briefing Argentina's turning pointby Pezzulli Bepi The rise and fall of a mythby Stefanini MaurizioWarming bloopers Shrinking snow packby Clini CarloChosen words Houthisby Stefanini MaurizioNumbers Antidepressantsby Bini FedericoCover story The seven seas warby Cingolani Stefano Keeping power afloatby Joveneau Marie The looming crisisby Ottolenghi Emanuele Mapping the escalationby Joveneau Marie A change of mindsetby Rota Marco Two years onby Chirafisi Paolo Caught between the Red and the Black seasby Federico Carli and Ludovica Blotti On the western shores of the Red Seaby Bono Anna