Issue #151Aug 2024 Leaders Hung politicsby Bianco PialuisaWidescreen The Paris Olympics 100 years agoby Mona MarcoTalking heads Seeking stability in the turmoilby Editorial team LongitudeSmart thinking From the Homeric Mentor to professional mentorshipby Broggi DaniloRail transport Enjoying citiesby Incalza Ercole Thinking of cities on a human scaleby Lebruto UmbertoOccam's razor Why is Europe heating up so fastby Serlupi Crescenzi OttavianoTech Talk Full digital access for allby Paliani AndreaClimate change Lacking leadershipby Clini CorradoWorld economy Why Europe needs Africaby Salzano PasqualeFeatured briefing Looking for a sustainable European securityby Quito Terracciano Pasquale NATO's high stakesby Rota Marco Going global silentlyby Stefanini Maurizio NATO's Southern flankby Bono AnnaWarming bloopers Turning up the heat on inflationby Clini CarloChosen words Stay tuned this summerby Stefanini MaurizioNumbers Taiwanby Bini FedericoCover story The roots of ungovernable societiesby Cingolani Stefano Harris' challengesby Joveneau Marie America's bloody Saturdayby Pezzulli Bepi France's chaotic messby Goodwin Richard The British paradoxby Bianchi Andrea