Issue #154Dec 2024 Leaders America's metamorphosisby Bianco PialuisaWidescreen Sculpter by the seeby Mona MarcoTalking heads A disgraceful conductby Editorial team LongitudeSmart thinking The pricey race to de-ageby Broggi DaniloOccam's razor Water on the moons of our solar systemby Serlupi Crescenzi OttavianoTech Talk Going beyond computer visionby Paliani AndreaGlobal trade Hoist the colors and seize the portsby Incalza ErcoleAfrica From inert to bad governanceby Bono AnnaWorld economy A tricky rushby Salzano PasqualeFeatured briefing A shattered dream around Europeby Galietti Francesco Germany's interesting timeby Joveneau Marie The end of the roadby Stefanini Maurizio Who will save Germany and how?by Flavio Avallone Federico CarliWarming bloopers Thirty years too late and not enough resultsby Clini CarloChosen words Back to nuclearby Stefanini MaurizioNumbers Submarinesby Bini FedericoCover story Jumping hurdlesby Cingolani Stefano Inside the voteby Joveneau Marie Now what?by Ottolenghi Emanuele Looking for a visionary shiftby Pezzulli Bepi How will Trump change US foreign policy?by Nardini Alia K. Can Europe defend itself with less America?by Rota Marco Save the warrior Elon Muskby Clini Corrado