Issue #18Jul 2012 Leaders Biting the euro bulletby Bianco Pialuisa The Constitution: a safeguard and spoke in the wheelby Caldwell Christopher Women in diplomacy: the case for a better orchestraby Dassù Marta Committed to a cleaner planetby Clini CorradoWidescreen Squaring up the pastby Mona MarcoCharted territories Divided against itselfby Jacobs FrankTalking heads Finance minus interestby Finelli CarmineWorld money The euro’s slippery pathby Savona PaoloSmart thinking Banks, companies and the credit crunchby Broggi DaniloArab disillusion The perennial battlefieldby Rosa Daniele Federico Of seasons and agesby Merlini Cesare #egyelectionsby Biagiotti Valeria The Arab disillusionby Vaccari LanfrancoEuro crisis Isolation and stalemateby Lombardi Domenico Euro fallout across the globeby Cingolani StefanoCorporations steering the planet America’s startup hubsby Mucci Alberto To boldly go and seek out new opportunitiesby Verga Enrico Bracing for the perfect stormby Comin Gianluca The risks of a power vacuumby Ferrazzani EdoardoTop transnational companies’ earnings compared to the GDP of countriesby Maretto Marco Too big to ignoreby Zani Moreno A brave new transnational worldby Crapelli RobertoEnergy Fighting over Eastern Mediterranean gasby Zallio FrancoBerlaymont Finally, a step aheadby Cerretelli AdrianaPotomac watch Obama talks Turkeyby Molinari MaurizioWarming bloopers African Pirates and the North Poleby Clini CarloChosen wordsOlympic Gamesby Stefanini MaurizioNumbers And the highest bidder is…by Bini Federico