Issue #21Nov 2012 Leaders No bourgeois, no democracyby Bianco Pialuisa Ambassadors building confidenceby Valensise MicheleWidescreen Surviving Fidel’s legacyby Mona MarcoCharted territories The border between today and tomorrowby Jacobs FrankTalking heads Would-be splittersby Stefanini MaurizioWorld money Growth on the ropesby Savona PaoloSmart thinking Aggregate or perishby Broggi DaniloSwimming upstream The night the Western lights went out in Georgiaby Caldwell Christopher Made in Russiaby Cingolani StefanoRussia’s resourcesby Maretto Marco Heading the oppositionby Masotti Giovanni Free Holy Mother Russia!by Luczkiw StashCosmopolis The contemporary cosmopolisby Verga EnricoIran’s paper bomb The past and future of nuclear deterrenceby Nuti Leopoldo Where to draw the line on the bombby Benetti Piero Moving goalposts and missed opportunitiesby Vaccari LanfrancoTurkey Security à la carteby Ferrara PasqualeBerlaymont Butting headsby Cerretelli AdrianaAfrica Rwanda: a thousand hills, a thousand challengesby Boreggi Irene Africa’s broken heartby Bono AnnaPotomac watch Washington eyes the black flagsby Molinari MaurizioEurope IMF + ECB = OMTby Lombardi Domenico The dangerous innovation gulfby Simon Hermann The secrets of Germany’s successby Simon HermannWarming bloopers Chinese sunstrokeby Clini CarloChosen wordsGeopoliticsby Stefanini MaurizioNumbers Many is good, but more is betterby Bini Federico