Issue #63Aug 2016 Widescreen State of disunionby Mona MarcoCharted territories The best and worst of each EU member stateby Jacobs FrankTalking heads And now, for something completely differentby Franciosi FabrizioWorld money I told you soby Savona PaoloSmart thinking Pokemon Go: only a game?by Broggi DaniloEditor's column Killing the thing we loveby Bianco PialuisaCivil aviationA crowded skyby Joveneau Marie Flying the unfriendly skiesby Franciosi FabrizioTechnology Sifting the tidbitsby Du Bessé AlessandroBerlaymont No respite for Europe’s woesby Cerretelli AdrianaMiddle East Saudi Arabia on the brinkby Di Maria AngelaPotomac watch Next up, Turxitby Cianfanelli RenzoThe Orientalist In the eye of a stormby Tramballi UgoFeatured briefing What we talk about when we talk about Europeby Luczkiw Stash The illusory axisby Marchi Michele Spinning out of controlby Joveneau Marie Europe’s ten conundrumsby Cingolani StefanoMegaphone How many likes does the Pope have?by Comin GianlucaWarming bloopers Organic dogmatistsby Clini CarloChosen words Black Lives Matter backlashby Stefanini MaurizioNumbers Roller coasters and dream castlesby Bini FedericoCover story The future of treatments, the treatments of the futureby Pani Luca Intimations of immortalityby Saggio Isabella The end of the end of medicineby Corbellini Gilberto