Issue #67Jan 2017 Leaders The split image of popular supportby Bianco PialuisaWidescreen The goods zooby Mona MarcoCharted territories Mind the gap, ladiesby Jacobs FrankTalking heads Choosing new friendsby Franciosi FabrizioWorld money Beyond productivity and growthby Savona PaoloSmart thinking No work and all play, is it the best way?by Broggi DaniloUS - Culture wars Pomo POTUS, or how Caitlyn Jenner deconstructs democracyby Luczkiw StashCubaCastro's legacyby Joveneau Marie Cuba in the wake of Fidelby Stefanini MaurizioBerlaymont Waiting for Godot's voteby Cerretelli AdrianaAfrica Food aid and famineby Manca GiacomoPotomac watch Pax Americana, gone with the windby Cianfanelli RenzoThe Orientalist The Middle East strawmanby Tramballi UgoFeatured briefing Keeping business in the familyby Zatta Danilo Robots call for a creative workforceby Corrado Clini and Arvea MarieniChina The President-elect’s two-China policyby Franciosi FabrizioMegaphone Strozzapreti soap operasby Comin GianlucaWarming bloopers Polar meltdowns and hungry reindeerby Clini CarloNumbers The global village and its backlashby Bini FedericoCover story Italy's revolutionless restorationby Cingolani Stefano Between the extreme and the incompetentby Rosso Renzo The Fillon moment: passing event or systemic breakthrough?by Marchi Michele What's left of the leftby Vaccari Lanfranco