Issue #92Apr 2019 Leaders The catch 22 of China’s centuryby Bianco PialuisaWidescreen China from up highby Mona MarcoCharted territories Megacitiesby Jacobs FrankTalking heads Strongmen vs. Statesmanshipby Editorial team LongitudeSmart thinking Not ready to live too longby Broggi DaniloMy cup of tea What went wrong in London?by Castellaneta GianniFollow the molecule Chemistry, love and passionby Caglioti LucianoUkraine Ukraine's half-empty glassby Luczkiw StashPotomac watch Nowhere Demsby Cianfanelli RenzoFeatured briefing The odd gold rushby Stefanini MaurizioGlobal issues Big Data’s sphere of influenceby Verga EnricoMegaphone Updating CEO speakby Comin GianlucaWarming bloopers Naiveté, fundamentalism and climate policiesby Clini CarloChosen words Global economic disorderby Stefanini MaurizioNumbers Looking at cinemaby Bini FedericoCover story The à la carte world of Xi Jinpingby Cingolani StefanoOne belt one road - mapby Joveneau Marie Avoiding the Thucydides trapby Tucci Stefania High speed geopoliticsby Incalza Ercole The random European orderby Clini Corrado Hi-tech supremacy raceby Pierri Michele An Emperor, a would be Emperor, Italy and the Silk Roadby Vattani Umberto Building sea powerby Sgroi Maurizio